JRS Strategies, LLC works with our clients to find the right voice and message for every opportunity, and share it through press releases, op-eds, social media, and direct contact with traditional media sources. With numerous avenues for consumers, clients and voters to get information, a strong new media presence is essential for shaping and sharing a message. Sending out a press release or deciding to start a blog is not enough. News reporters need a hook and a personal contact they already know.
Even though many new media platforms are free to join and great for personal use, social networking sites and other social media tools require careful planning to truly leverage their value for campaigns.
JRS Strategies helps clients navigate the new media landscape, establish and refine an online brand, and engage with voters, reporters, and decision-makers to spread their message in the most cost-efficient ways possible. JRS Strategies can drive the news cycle and leverage new media tools to break through the clutter and tell a narrative. JRS is available for on-going consulting and one-time needs as well.
Communications & Messaging Consulting
Work with consultants to push campaign/business message into earned media outlets
Assist in drafting and sending of press releases and editorial content to newspaper, TV, and online sources
Track media advisories, assist in earned media planning and implementation
Develop and manage press conferences or other events that generated earned media
Help create sample letters for writing campaign when needed
Assist with Debate Prep and research if needed
Conduct media training sessions for interviews
Audit existing communications channels
New Media Consulting & Training
Manage messaging on digital platforms
Create regular updates to keep supporters/customers informed of activities, messaging, event
Craft blog posts for distribution by campaign/organization
Assist with design of web-ad content
Utilize new media to drive grassroots campaigns and outreach
Create and manage website content as needed
Provide training on creation and use of new media platforms
Develop crisis communications issue profiles
Craft editorial content in the form of op-eds, letters to the editor and quotes
Deliver personalized pitches to the media for maximum exposure
Web Design
Develop overall web strategy for your marketing efforts
Design and launch branded website for your campaign, business or organization
Search Engine Optimization
Brand and Integrate Email Communications
Integrate Social Media across your virtual platforms
Digital Advertising
We work to provide state of the art targeting for all of our ad campaigns including:
Cookie Targeting
Voter File
Custom Model
JRS Strategies works with our clients to implement Digital advertising campaigns that include:
Display Banners
Pre-roll and In-Banner Video
Search (SEM)
Social Media
Content Marketing
General Political Consulting
Political Strategy
Develop campaign plan fundraising, media, field strategy