I really enjoyed this section of the 5 steps for social media successes by Jeff Bullasabout telling your story by telling stories:
Stories resonate and help us relate to others. We remember vivid details of stories told when we were kids. The most influential speakers tell memorable stories that stir multiple emotions. The most successful advertising campaigns use storytelling to make a lasting impact. The best media coverage is created by compelling stories. When crafting your Social Media Messaging, you might find that a story you think is no big deal will be enjoyed by your audience. Build your company’s brand by telling multiple stories that become your key message points, convey your real story and create the image you deserve. Tell your company’s story in a way that focuses on your key target audiences. Make it about them and their wants and needs. Instead of neglecting your Social Media Messaging with copy that might be ignored, tell interesting, real life stories that people will want to read and hear. Then, Social Media can be your conduit to tell your story.
They give plenty of good advice, but you should ask yourself whether you are telling stories. The point is, content is still king and the way you tell your story will help determine the success or failure of any social media marketing plans.
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