10 Tips Before Your Campaign Or Organization Hits Send On That Next Email
A few notes for those campaigns and organizations clogging up #Email Inboxes with end of the month solicitations (You Know Who You Are)
1.) Stop apologizing to me, clearly you’re not sorry because you keep emailing.
2.) Stop reminding me you keep emailing, I already saw the other 20 emails you sent without your reminder.
3.) Stop failing to include an unsubscribe button. At least give me the chance of not being overridden with your constant barrage of spam.
4.) Stop spamming me, making a fundraising ask is fine but sending the same email in the same format with the same content is not.
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20 LinkedIn Mistakes To Avoid (Infographic)
Jeff Bullas has a great blog post up with this infographic looking at LinkedIn Etiquette.
While Linkedin can certainly be a powerful marketing and networking tool, it can also give people a view that is not as flattering as you may prfer.
In this Infographic, they offer twenty mistakes to avoid:
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Video Looks At 10 Digital Trends For 2014
Check out this video infographic from 24MotionDesign looks at 10 digital trends for 2014.
Don't Assume The Consumer Understand Social Media
Imedia has a great video with Jennifer Kasper, Macy's GVP of digital media, speaking about why brands need to educate the consumer about social media and teach them the value in participating. They say your strategy may not be flawed, but your audience may be in the dark about your efforts.
Just because brands and agencies live in the world of social and are extremely familiar with everything involved doesn't mean the consumer is on the same page. It's important that marketers don't forget that fact.
Jason Springer On The Dom Time TV Show
Jason Springer, President of JRS Strategies, appeared on the Dom Time television show with Dom Giordano to talk about NJ Governor Chris Christie and the special election for US Senate following the death of Frank Lautenberg.
Segment 1:
You can see segments 2 and 3 below the fold.
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